The City of Gastonia’s Electric Division will celebrate Public Power Week at an event that will give the public a glimpse into the importance of public power. The City’s Electric Division recognizes Public Power Week yearly on October 4-9, along with more than 2,000 other community-powered, not-for-profit electric utilities that collectively provide electricity to 49 million Americans.
WHEN: Saturday, Oct. 9, 2021
WHERE: 615 W. Franklin Boulevard, Gastonia (former YMCA Building)
TIME: 3:30 – 5:30 p.m.
- The public can receive free tickets to a Honey Hunters game. (While supplies last.)
- The public can receive a free energy efficiency kit, which includes LED light bulbs, weather stripping, a digital refrigerator thermometer and air vent filter whistles.
- See public power demonstrations and public power vehicles.
- Kids can receive a goodie bag with a coloring activity booklet, crayons, a sucker, toy hard hat, and safety kits that include disposable mask, gloves, and alcohol swabs.
- Staff also will be available to anyone interested to sign-up for the City’s OMS (Outage Management System), which allows customers to report and track power outages.
“We are proud to show the public the value of public power in our community and the dedicated staff who deliver safe and reliable service as we power on,” said Joe Albright, director of Public Utilities for the City of Gastonia.
The City of Gastonia has owned and operated its own municipal electrical system since 1900. Gastonia is part of ElectriCities of North Carolina and, along with 18 other municipal partners, owns a portion of the Catawba Nuclear Station. The City supplies an average of 56,000,000 KWH per month to the 26,700 residential, commercial, and industrial customers through ten substations operating at a primary voltage of 12,470V. The utility also promotes energy efficiency and electric safety education and provides assistance to homeowners looking for ways to reduce energy costs.