City of Gastonia residents approved a $75 million Transportation General Obligation Bond Referendum last November with almost 70% of the vote. The City is in the first phase of implementing those transportation projects that will enhance the City’s infrastructure and make conditions safer.
The first phase of the bond projects will use $10 million in funds for resurfacing more than 30 miles of streets and repairing roadway manholes. City crews and engineering consultants evaluated and prepared a list of streets in most need of repair across the City to determine where to begin the work. The work will begin in the spring of this year and the project is estimated to resurface more than 10% of maintained City streets by the end of 2023.
“We are excited to see the first phase of this project begin so quickly after voters approved it so that street improvements can begin in a short timeframe,” said City Manager Michael Peoples.
Resurfacing more than 30 miles of streets is no small feat. “A team of employees from across City departments will be working in tandem to make this project a success,” said Rusty Bost, Director of Development Services. “We will also work with engineering consultants to ensure that the project runs smoothly.”
The bonds will be issued in two parts. City leaders believe that Gaston County property values will increase and produce revenue from growth to fund the bond debt without an increase to the tax rate. The bonds must be repaid within 20 years and expended within 10 years from approval.
What’s Next?
- A second phase of street resurfacing for fiscal year 2024 for approximately $10 million.
- A contract with McAdams Engineering to study areas within ¼ mile of schools and parks in Gastonia for safety improvements, connectivity, parking facilities, signage, and aesthetics. Work to begin later this year.
- A contract with LaBella Associates to develop a plan to repair more than 100 roadway manholes. Work to begin later this year.
- Improve pavement markings and striping on many City streets. Work to begin later this year.
- A study to improve safety and congestion for intersections in the City and leverage NCDOT funding.
- A study to identify important roadway improvements in the City, such as widening or extensions that will improve safety, congestion, and connectivity.
Residents can take an online survey until March 31 to give their feedback about how the bond funds can be allocated: https://metroquestsurvey.com/e4a4r
Information is available at www.cityofgastonia.com/bond2022.