Chuck Dellinger, former Parks and Recreation Director for the City of Gastonia is the recipient of the Hall of Fame Award presented by the North Carolina Recreation and Park Association (NCRPA). The award is bestowed upon a retired professional who has a minimum of 25 years of service in the profession in the state of North Carolina and 25 years of NCRPA membership. The recipient must also be a current or former member of NCRPA. Dellinger was hired in 1979 as the City’s Recreation Director and retired April 1, 2018.
“I am blessed to have been able to make many lasting friendships and relationships throughout my career,” said Dellinger who is now a Special Projects Advisor to the City of Gastonia. “I am grateful to the City of Gastonia for the opportunity to have a job and four-decade career that
I enjoyed every day.”
Dellinger worked closely with the City’s Recreation Advisory Committee over the years to determine where to improve public parks and facilities in the city. He was involved in helping to design and manage the creation of Martha Rivers Park, which represented an investment of more than $4 million. Over two phases from 1999 to 2002, it involved the construction of a baseball complex, soccer fields, a playground, shelters, a walking track and restrooms, which have collectively become a popular destination for local residents. He helped make substantial improvements and renovations at Lineberger Park, opening Rankin Lake Park, and most recently in his current role, bringing Linwood Springs Park to life, along with completing the opening of the CaroMont Health Park in the City’s FUSE District.
During his tenure, he has worked with five city managers, eight mayors, and a notable list of elected officials, community leaders, and citizens.
Criteria for the selection of the award include professional involvement on committees/boards; contributions to programming, facilities development, legislation, and education; education and continuing involvement following retirement; and community involvement outside the field of parks and recreation. This year’s award was presented on December 13 at the Carolinas Recreation and Parks Conference Wilmington, NC.