The City of Gastonia and Gaston County have been informed by the Salvation Army of Gaston and Lincoln Counties that it will transition its emergency homeless shelter program to a homelessness prevention program. Food Pantry, Case Management, and Emergency Financial Services will continue at the Center of Hope Facility located at 107 S. Broad Street in Gastonia. As part of its transition, the organization will no longer accept new shelter residents at the Center of Hope Shelter effective July 15, 2024, and the last day to provide emergency shelter for the remaining residents will be August 31, 2024.
“The City of Gastonia and Gaston County acknowledge the need for essential services that the Salvation Army provides and we will support this transition to further serve those who are experiencing homelessness,” said Mayor Richard Franks. “We will carefully assess the current needs in our city and work with our partners to create the most feasible next steps for everyone involved.”
The decision to transition The Salvation Army’s emergency shelter program to a homelessness prevention program was a collective effort driven by the organization’s volunteer-led Advisory Board. This decision was informed by a Mission Planning Study conducted in 2023, which involved more than 70 community members. The study revealed that the emergency shelter program, while a tremendous community asset throughout its 20 years of service, is not the most cost-effective, transformative way to serve those experiencing temporary homelessness.
“We want to assure the public that this transition does not signify an end to our commitment to serving those in need within our community,” said Chad Brown, Chairman of the Gaston County Board of Commissioners. “The City of Gastonia and Gaston County are fully committed to continuing our collaboration to ensure that the essential services are available to those who require assistance, and we recognize the importance of working together to support our community members during this transition period.”
For more information about the new program, services available, volunteer opportunities, and donations, contact Major David Phelps at 704-572-5623.
For information about resources for those experiencing homelessness, visit the City of Gastonia’s Homelessness Resources.