The City of Gastonia has proclaimed a State of Emergency because of the expected impacts of Hurricane Florence. The proclamation does not require the public to take any specific action. It is an administrative step authorizing City government agencies to take action during the course of the storm to protect lives and property.
States of Emergency related to Hurricane Florence have also been issued by Gaston County, the State of North Carolina and the State of South Carolina. President Trump declared a national state of emergency in both Carolinas. These actions authorize the respective governments to provide for public safety and coordinate disaster preparedness and relief efforts.
The City of Gastonia’s proclamation states that the City’s Emergency Operations Plan is now in effect. The plan coordinates the activities of emergency management personnel and is designed to improve coordination of services between various local governments, the state government and any federal government assistance.
In addition, the City’s State of Emergency proclamation highlights ordinances within the City Code related to emergency response. This includes the ability of police to restrict public access to any areas, such as streets, to protect lives and property. Examples might include a decision to barricade flooded areas or roadways.
The proclamation gives the city manager the authority to adjust or suspend City operations such as solid waste and transit services, depending on conditions.
The proclamation is in effect for five days, unless rescinded sooner.