The public is invited to Gastonia’s National Night Out celebration from 6 – 9 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6 at Eastridge Mall, 246 N. New Hope Road. National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign across the country that promotes strong police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make neighborhoods safer.
Gastonia’s National Night Out celebration, to be held in the mall parking lot at the old Sears location, is sponsored by Eastridge Mall. The event will feature public safety displays and demonstrations, free snow cones, music from a live DJ and giveaways. There will be live demonstrations from the Gastonia Police K-9 Unit and the Gastonia Fire Department as well as displays from the SWAT Team, Bomb Squad, Motorcycle Unit and Mobile Command Unit. A bounce house and face painting will be available for the kids. There will be free snow cones, a chicken wings challenge, burrito eating contest, and many vendors’ booths.
“Everyone is invited to come out and meet police officers and firefighters, and enjoy all the fun,” said Gastonia Police Officer David Lingafelt. “The event is an opportunity to meet your neighbors and get ideas from the police and community watch groups about keeping our neighborhoods safe.”
For more information you may call 704-842-5120, or for online information about National Night Out please visit the website for the National Association of Town Watch at www.natw.org. If there is inclement weather on Aug. 6, please check the Gastonia Police Department’s Facebook page for information.