The City of Gastonia officially unveiled the Bradley Station Dog Park during a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Jan. 27. The park is located near Downtown on North Oakland Street, about a block north of Main Avenue. Funds from the City’s Municipal Service District were used to develop the new dog park.
“Creating attractive and healthy communities is part of our long-range planning,” said Mayor Walker E. Reid III. “And having dog parks like this one helps to create a healthy community and also becomes another amenity that residents are looking for in our City.”
The Bradley Station Dog Park, at 181. N. Oakland St., behind the City Transit Center, is divided into two areas. One section is for for small dogs under 25 pounds and the other area is for dogs larger than 25 pounds. Park hours are 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Dog park patrons are asked to wear face masks, follow social distancing guidelines, and comply with rules for the Bradley Station Dog Park, some of which include:
- Patrons use the park at their own risk.
- Handlers must use area that is appropriate for their dog’s size.
- Handlers are liable for any injury or damage caused by their dog(s).
- Handlers are limited to three dogs.
- Dogs must be always licensed and vaccinated with a tag on their collar.
- Handlers must be 16 years of age or older.
- Children under 12 are not permitted without a responsible adult.
- All dogs must be leashed before entering and exiting the park.
For the full list of rules, please see the Parks Department’s webpage.