The City of Gastonia is hosting an open house information session for the public to learn more about a proposed bicycle and pedestrian path to connect downtown Gastonia and Crowders Mountain State Park. Carolina Thread Trail, in partnership with the City of Gastonia, was awarded a grant through the North Carolina Department of Transportation to complete a feasibility study to re-evaluate the Carolina Thread Trail route, originally adopted in 2009. The study team seeks input from the public to help guide route alternative recommendations.
WHEN: Thursday, November 30, 2023 | 5 – 7 p.m.
WHERE: Phillips Recreation Center – Training Room | 2031 Echo Lane | Gastonia, NC
Why is this study needed?
Carolina Thread Trail and the City of Gastonia seek to provide a paved path connection between downtown Gastonia and Crowders Mountain State Park to improve overall connectivity and offer a multimodal transportation option with access to parks, businesses, and regional pathways on the west side of Gastonia. In addition to the original path proposed by Carolina Thread Trail, the study is evaluating potential routes that would connect to the future Linwood Springs Park west of downtown Gastonia.
What is the purpose of the study?
This study will help the Carolina Thread Trail and the City of Gastonia identify a preferred route connecting existing segments of the Carolina Thread Trail between downtown and Crowders Mountain State Park. Alternatives will be evaluated by looking at potential environmental, property, and cost impacts in addition to technical feasibility. The study will include implementation and funding strategies to move the path planning closer to programming and construction.
The study is expected to be completed in the Spring of 2024.