If you see a normally clean shaven Gastonia Police officer with a five o’clock shadow or beard in November, please feel free to ask, “Why haven’t you shaved?”
The Gastonia Police Department (GPD) is partnering with Special Olympics North Carolina (SONC) to raise awareness and funds in a campaign called “No-Shave November.” GPD holds fund-raisers for SONC annually through events such as the Law Enforcement Torch Run and a Burpeethon, and this is its second year for a No-Shave November.
GPD’s first No-Shave November last year raised about $3,000 for SONC. Officers donate $40 to SONC to participate and hand out a flyer about the campaign to anyone asking about their growing facial hair. “Last year’s No-Shave November was the most successful fund-raiser we had for SONC,” said Sgt. Scott Norton, GPD’s Special Olympics fund-raising committee chairman. “It’s a fun opportunity and it’s for a great cause.”
The mission of SONC is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes, and the community.
“The Gastonia Police family supports SONC and this is one way that we’ll be demonstrating that support during the month of November,” Chief Robert Helton said. Anyone interested in making a donation to SONC in honor of the Gastonia Police Department may do so online at http://sonc.net/give/.