If you think building positive relationships between community youth and Gastonia Police Officers is important and worthwhile, your help is needed. The Gastonia Police Foundation is planning to host its Fourth Annual Shop with a Cop on Saturday, Dec. 15, and fundraising efforts are underway.
“We want this year’s Shop with a Cop event to be great like last year’s,” said David Ferguson, Gastonia Police Foundation President. “Everyone’s help is greatly appreciated.”
Like last year, local youth participating in this year’s Shop with a Cop program will be selected by the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Gaston. Other partners include the GPD and Target.
The event begins at 8 a.m. on Dec. 15 with youth and officers enjoying breakfast followed by a visit from Santa. Then officers and youth embark on a shopping trip to Target. Each child will be paired with a uniformed police officer who will accompany them as they shop for needed items such as clothing, shoes, pajamas, school supplies and even a toy. Each child will have $250 to spend.
To help raise funds for this year’s event, Christmas ornaments are for sale. There are two types, one is a paper ornament for sale for $5, and you can sign your name to the paper ornaments which are placed on the Christmas tree located in the GPD lobby. New collector ornaments are for sale for $20 each.
Ornaments can be purchased at the front desk of the Gastonia Police Department, 200 E. Long Ave. For donations, checks should be made payable to the Gastonia Police Foundation, Inc., with Shop with a Cop written on the memo line, and mailed to the GPF at P.O. Box 336, Gastonia, NC 28053. Or you can pay online at gastoniapolicefoundation.org, designating the donation for “Shop with a Cop 2018” in the special instructions section. Donations are tax deductible. Capt. Mike Lari, who serves as Executive Director of the GPF, is the contact for any questions, (704) 866-6937.