Expect lane closures and paving equipment in Gastonia, as the City is in the midst of a big push to resurface sections of nearly 50 streets. The work began in October and continues into November, with resurfacing to resume in early 2020, depending on weather and other factors.
The streets selected for resurfacing are mostly residential and are in all parts of the City. Some streets are being repaved, while others are being “reclaimed,” meaning the existing pavement is ground up and mixed with gravel to establish a base for new asphalt.
“We ask drivers to be alert and watch for lane closures,” said Joe Bieker, City of Gastonia construction engineer and right-of-way administrator. The City puts notices under the windshield wipers of vehicles parked on streets that are scheduled for resurfacing. “Please pay attention to the notices and avoid on-street parking during the repaving work,” Bieker said.
The City will not completely close any streets during the resurfacing, but traffic will be reduced to one direction at a time. For the streets where the old pavement is being removed and replaced, Bieker noted that the road surface may be bumpy or uneven until all of the work on that street is completed. “We will do all we can to prevent damage to vehicles. We ask that drivers use caution, limit their speed and be aware of the uneven surfaces,” he said.
The City takes into account garbage pickup routes when scheduling streets for resurfacing. But Bieker said that it’s nearly impossible not to have some overlap. Residents should put their garbage, yard waste and recycling carts at the curb on their scheduled pickup days, even if their street is scheduled for resurfacing that week.
The City of Gastonia has budgeted $3.5 million for street resurfacing projects this fiscal year using a priority list of streets approved by the City Council in June.
If you have questions or concerns about street resurfacing, call the City of Gastonia Development Services Department at 704-866-6943.