Update: Extended payment plans are no longer being offered for past-due utility bills.
The City of Gastonia and Two Rivers Utilities has resumed normal utility collection procedures on past-due accounts. From late March until late July, executive orders by the governor of North Carolina had temporarily halted disconnection of utility service for nonpayment. However, customers are still required to pay for the water, sewer service and electricity they used during this time.
- Residential customers with balances that became past due between March 31 and June 1, 2020, can apply for an extended payment plan.
- Under an extended payment plan, the amount of the past-due balance is divided into six monthly payments. These payments must be paid on time and in addition to the current bill to avoid possible disconnection of service.
Utility customers who have questions can contact the City’s Customer Service number during regular business hours at 704-866-6714.