The City of Gastonia is asking the public for comment on how to improve biking in the city. The City has started the process of developing a Comprehensive Bicycle Master Plan (Bike Plan) through a NCDOT Pedestrian and Bicycle Planning Initiatives grant. The Bike Plan will build on the City’s 2025 Comprehensive Plan and will identify and prioritize projects, policies and programs that would improve biking in the city. The Bike Plan will also include concept plans for priority bicycle projects.
“This is a great way for residents to give their input into this process,” said Jason Thompson, Planning Director. “The public’s feedback will also help us design a bicycle plan that will enhance and improve our community’s wellness and longevity.”
Online Surveys Are Available Until June 7
The public can share their comments by completing two online surveys by June 7:
- Biking Experience: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LPNMWVM
- Public Comment Map: http://maps.kittelson.com/gastoniabikeplan
Responses to the surveys will be used to develop a Bike Plan to provide the City with the tools it needs to implement a safe, connected bicycle network throughout Gastonia, enabling people of all ages and abilities to get where they want to go.