The City of Gastonia received two awards for its participation in the N.C. League of Municipalities’ Advancing Municipal Leaders (AML) program. The City was presented with the awards at the NCLM’s CityVision 2023 conference in April. Since 2020, the AML program has trained nearly 1,100 municipal officials through a variety of delivery methods.
“We are proud to be recognized by NCLM for the trainings our City staff has completed, which is very crucial to continuing our commitment to leadership and governance,” said Gastonia Mayor Walker E. Reid.
The AML Learning Culture of the Year Award
This award is presented to the manager/council and mayor/council forms of government that have the highest number of people from the municipality to complete AML trainings during the past year. The Town of Laurel Park and the Town of Ramseur also received the award.
“This award marks a significant milestone in our training with NCLM, which is important for our community to know that learning and training is a priority for our city and our employees,” said City Manager Michael Peoples.

The AML Learning Excellence Award
This award is presented to the elected official and municipal staff who completed the highest number of AML trainings during the past year. The Town of Laurel Park and the Town of Ramseur also received the award.
“It’s very exciting to receive this award for completing the training and as a result I believe I am more knowledgeable and confident to perform my job to serve our citizens,” said City Clerk Suzanne Gibbs.
About the N.C. League of Municipalities
The North Carolina League of Municipalities is a member-driven organization representing the interests of cities and towns in the state. Through their collective efforts, League member cities and towns better serve their residents and improve quality of life. For more than 100 years, the League has been one voice for cities and towns working for a better North Carolina.