The City of Gastonia has received a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. The award comes from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, which describes the honor as “the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting.” This marks the 25th consecutive year Gastonia has received this award.
The latest recognition is for the City of Gastonia’s Fiscal Year 2017 comprehensive annual financial report. That report includes the regular audit of the City’s financial records for the fiscal year plus additional supplemental schedules.
The City of Gastonia had to comply with specific requirements to earn the Certificate, going beyond the minimum requirements of generally accepted accounting principles. “To receive this award, the City had to meet the high standards of the GFOA’s program while demonstrating a spirit of full disclosure to clearly communicate our financial story,” said Assistant City Manager Melody Braddy.
Braddy also noted that the City has won the award every year for a quarter century. “To receive this award for 25 straight years is significant because it represents how important accounting and financial reporting are to the City of Gastonia,” she said.
In February, the City of Gastonia also received the GFOA’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, the organization’s highest form of recognition for governmental budgeting.